Case Study: A “13th Month” of Cash Flow

“Our business had grown more than 50% in the last two years, so we needed all hands on deck to provide services to our clients. The last thing we wanted to do was waste time making phone calls about past-due invoices.”


Like many professional services firms, G-C Partners realized the importance of invoice follow-up, but it didn’t fit well into the ebb and flow of client work and busy travel schedules. As the company continued to grow, invoice follow-up was frequently not done on a set schedule and often clients were difficult to track down. And meanwhile, the volume of open invoices started to grow.

“There’s an art and a science to successful invoice follow-up and we realized we weren’t trained in the art and didn’t have time to figure out the science. So, we got smart and worked with the experts instead.”


Our friends at G-C Partners, a highly regarded computer forensics company, implemented the On-Time Payment Masterplan principles…

...and within 11 days collected $217k in outstanding payments that normally would have taken MONTHS (if ever) to collect…


“It was really exciting to see the checks start rolling in. By the end of the first month, we had effectively moved cash flow ahead by an entire month—a “13th month” of cash flow for the year. But more importantly, we were hearing from customers how nice the people doing invoice follow-up were to interact with. Our only question is why we didn’t do it sooner.”


G-C Partners took an underperforming and frustrating part of their business and got the advice and help they needed from our experts. Now their A/R performance is some of the best in the industry and they have more cash on hand to grow their business.

If you are ready to make the same change or want to learn more about how InvoiceCare’s suite of services might help your business, please contact us for more information.

Case Study: “13th Month” of Cash Flow